Devlog - Week of Feb. 14

Hey everyone, this is our third devlog. 

This week, we were focusing specifically on making sure our code structure was flexible, adaptable, and modular. We ended up spending a bit more time than expected to really hammer this point down and fell a bit behind as a result, but I believe the time spent planning out our code structure will pay dividends later down the development timeline.

We've added a video of a level prototype to our home page. While it may not look like much of an improvement over our tech demo video, the underlying structure of the code is something we're a lot happier working with.

This week is pretty open for our team, so we're looking into spending a good amount of time making progress and working towards our alpha release.

Some notable progress we've made over the last little while:

  • We've found an approach to an enemy spawn algorithm as well as enemy pathfinding
  • We have a list of powerups in mind, which we'll be looking into implementing soon
  • More assets for levels are in progress

Until next week!

- Andy

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